Glasgow Score:
Age ans
Leucocytes 109/l
Urée mmol/l (passer en mg/dl ?)
Patient's prothrombin time sec
Prothrombin control time sec
Analysis of factors predictive of mortality in alcoholic hepatitis and derivation and validation of the Glasgow alcoholic hepatitis score.
Forrest EH, Evans CD, Stewart S, Phillips M, Oo YH, McAvoy NC, Fisher NC, Singhal S, Brind A, Haydon G, O'Grady J, Day CP,Hayes PC, Murray LS, Morris AJ. Department of Gastroenterology, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Castle St, Glasgow G4 0SF, UK. Gut. 2005 Aug;54(8):1174-9. © 2014 - All rights reserved |  Contact Us