Lille Model-PT:
Day 0 / / (dd/mm/yyyy)
Date of Birth / / (dd/mm/yyyy)
(at Day 0)
(at Day 7)
(at Day 0)
Albumin* g/L
(at Day 0)
Patient's prothrombin time sec
(at Day 0)

This model has been developed by the hepatology unit of the CHRU Lille with the collaboration of 4 other French centers.
In the following model, survival probability at 6 months is defined by the 0.45-cutoff: 6-month survival probability of patients with a Lille model above 0.45 is about 25% contrary to patients with a Lille model below this cutoff (85%).
See for more details the manuscript published in Hepatology 2007.

Please note that the Lillemodel has been developed with prothrombin time in seconds.
If this variable is not avaible, use the Lillemodel-INR

* « In patients who have been treated with albumin infusions, in order to avoid the use of an artificial value, it is recommended to use the available albumin value before infusion of albumin »
The Lille model: a new tool for therapeutic strategy in patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis treated with steroids.
Louvet A, Naveau S, Abdelnour M, Ramond MJ, Diaz E, Fartoux L, Dharancy S, Texier F, Hollebecque A, Serfaty L, Boleslawski E, Deltenre P, Canva V, Pruvot FR, Mathurin P. Hepatology. 2007 Jun;45(6):1348-54. © 2014 - All rights reserved |  Contact Us